New England
Apparently sufficient time has passed since the plane taxied out onto the floodlight Heathrow apron that nearly all the albums
People Part I
Biting off more than you can chew is not atypical in the lived experience of the casual adventurer, the standard
Coup de tat
“Have you heard?”
No, I hadn’t. Largely because I’d just returned from the street - itself being a
High Passes
Driving north when we were young invariably meant The Hobbit or The Chronicles of Narnia (since we weren’t limited
Leavings, Beginnings
Wow, ok, the mind has really struggled to fall into a blog productive state. I’d said something about a
Settle into a sofa or an armchair, something soft. Isolate your ears and listen to any of Bleachers’ Take the
At Last, The Wind
To put yourself in a fitting state of mind to consume what follows you may like to listen to any
Steak, Saignant
There's a connection between the chapter that begins today and the chapter that opened and closed on Friday